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Graphic Design and Beyond- A Creative Journey is Seldom Linear

Hello! If you have been keeping up with me from the very beginning of my graphic design journey and the start of my website you may have noticed it has gone through some changes. As with any journey there is a push to a particular goal such as creating my first website and finishing my graphic design degree and then a rest period filled with self deprecating thoughts before, getting back into the game again and finding a joy in the initial journey. I certainly felt burnt out learning a completly new skill while working full time during a pandemic. After graduating and finding a new job I have some life back in me. I also have been having mass amount of creativity lately after sticking to a skill that has now been bringing me much joy.

A month before finishing my degree I was incredibly stressed, depressed, anxious and needed to find an outlet to deal with all that energy. I have always loved using my hands to make things so I decided to pick up my knitting needles after many years hiatus. I ended up making the Curvette Shawl by Stephen West and completed it in a little over a month in February 2022.

a blue, green, and orange shawl hung up
Curvette Shawl

This shawl is made with all sorts of fingering weight wool yarns from an old stash I had and in between each garter stitch stripe there is a simple lace stitch with mohair. Even though the colors are all over the place this shawl took all of my stress and anxiety and transformed it into a squishy warm garment that I could wrap myself in and fall in love with knitting... maybe for the first time.

Perhaps in a future post I'll go into some of the studies and health benefits of knitting that I've felt were interesting to learn and felt made sense.

An orange, green, and blue shawl is shown pinned to foam pieces as it dries.
Curvette Shawl Being Blocked

Now it is 2024- two years after making my first shawl, finishing my bachelor's degree, and a little over 6 months in a new job. I knit just about every day and have many other interests I would love to share and hope to inspire some of you out there.

I've tried to share on social media for awhile and still will but I find many sites are either toxic or don't have the space to divulge the details other than a picture and a caption. So when the inspiration strikes I am going to blog and gush about the projects I have loved making.

Lastly, I have shown you my first shawl so it seems only fitting to show my most recent shawl. It is from a pattern called Dragon Lore 2 by Alexandra Davidoff in the colorway Orchid Fade by La Bien Aimee and is 100% Merino wool with beads. This shawl will definitely have its own post since it was a big project and one I am very proud of. I'll leave you with a picture to ogle over and stay cozy while I figure out what my next post will be.

A purple shawl that has the texture of dragon scales
Dragon Lore 2 Shawl

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